it’s Turbo time
We at the Peffery Way Association have a challenge for you – how do you fancy the chance to win a bottle of Glen Wyvis gin and have some fun at the same time? All you have to do is take part in our Peffery Way Turbo Challenge.
Get on your bike – either at a gym or on your own Turbo Trainer – and see how far (in metres) you can travel in one minute. If you like film yourself and post on Facebook – be sure to include the hashtag #PefferyWayTurboChallenge. Then, when you’re done challenge your friends to see how far THEY can go?
To enter the competition all we ask is that you make a donation to our Peffery Way fund to help build an all access walking/cycle path between Dingwall and Strathpeffer.
The competition is open to people of all ages (although obviously U18s will receive an alternative prize to gin if they win).
We will also be taking a Turbo Trainer along to the Strathpeffer Highland Gathering on 13th August so if you don’t have access to a turbo trainer you can visit us there.
If you have recently taken part in our Peffery Way Turbo Challenge please use our entry form (click the link) to let us know how you got on.
You can also see how other people have got on by checking out the current leaderboard.
(the bold green text on this page contain links to either pages within this website or external sites)